Is It Safe for Babies to Sleep in Swings

Should Your Baby Nap In The Swing?

If you take a baby at abode, and then you know a thing or two nigh baby gear, don't yous? 😉 The crib, the changing table, the toys…how can such a trivial person need so much stuff?!

Here's a piece of gear most parents are very familiar with: the infant swing. Do you have one of these? If and then, then you know first-hand how nice it can be to settle your infant snugly into his swing, plough it on, and and so walk abroad as your piffling ane is gently rocked to sleep. Win!

Of course, your babe may not be a fan of the swing; not every infant is! Only if you take a swing-lover at dwelling house, chances are you've put your baby in the swing for naps at to the lowest degree a few times. Naps tend to be fussier times of the twenty-four hour period for infants, after all, and many parents reach a betoken at which they're willing to try annihilation to make naps easier.

Enter the swing.

Just is this a skilful thought? Should you allow your babe take naps in the swing? That'south the topic we're tackling in today's postal service.

Safety First: No Prolonged Sleep or Unsupervised Slumber in the Swing

Convenience is of import for parents, just the safe of our babies takes first priority. And so beginning, let's address the safety concerns surrounding letting your baby sleep in the swing.

Here'southward the full general rule to call back: It'due south non condom to let your babe slumber in the swing for prolonged periods of time, peculiarly if your baby is unsupervised. The American University of Pediatrics released guidelines which advised parents to avert using infant swings as sleep aids.

According to the AAP, sitting upright for long periods of time (in a swing, for instance, or in a carseat) can make it hard for babies to exhale well, and that can atomic number 82 to an increased chance of SIDS.

For these reasons, it's probably best not to permit your infant slumber in the swing at dark. Withal, some short periods of supervised swing-napping during the day are considered prophylactic (provided you strap your babe into the swing tightly, and that you don't put any loose blankets, pillows, or blimp animals in the swing with your babe.)

Infant Swings Can Be Groovy Tools for Soothing Fussy Babies

We don't desire to go out any of you with the impression that swings are unsafe, though — not at all! Used properly, swings can be first-class tools for calming fussy babies and giving parents a scrap of much-needed peace.

That'south peculiarly true in those early weeks, when your newborn babe just won't sleep. Using the swing to cope with your newborn'due south erratic sleep patterns and colicky behavior is merely fine.

Nicole's Notation:
"I call back distinctly one particularly difficult mean solar day when my son was 6-8 weeks quondam and I could NOT get him to sleep in ANY way whatsoever. Not nursing, property him, swaddling him, or annihilation. He was then fussy and crying a lot. I couldn't take it anymore and put him in the swing. He however cried 10 minutes, simply then FINALLY savage comatose! A couple of months later, at Christmas, we were teased that he was going to 'become boozer' from the swing, because of how fast he liked it moving by four months one-time. For a spirited baby, he needed a faster speed and even when rocking in our artillery, nosotros had to perfect the 'hard rock' as we called it. The swing was a Godsend in those early weeks, merely of course only temporary."

Highly-Rated Infant Swings (click the pic to learn more)

Allowing Your Infant to Nap in the Swing Too Oftentimes Can Cause Problems, Though

Unfortunately, though, the "as well much of a good thing" dominion does apply to your baby'due south swing. Remember, our babies and toddlers are quick to form habits.

We've talked before nearly how rocking your baby to sleep, or letting your infant sleep constantly in your arms, tin can backlash. It can become a habit for your baby, and pretty soon you'll find she won't settle for anything less than being rocked (or held) each time she sleeps.

The same holds true for naps in the swing. If your baby is a frequent swing-napper, you may find that he won't nap anywhere else. And at that signal, you may outset to feel similar the swing is causing more problems than it's solving!

Our Recommendation: Begin equally You Mean to Continue

As Nicole's said before, it'due south best to begin as you mean to continue. And that's a good affair to continue in mind when you use your babe swing. Again, it tin can exist a great tool for banishing your baby's cranky spells, but it'due south not something you lot'll want to use for all (or fifty-fifty most) of your baby's naps.

Instead, nosotros recommend that you get to the root of your baby's napping bug and work to solve them, instead of using the swing as a "band-aid" fix. If your baby is struggling with naps and is past the 4 calendar month mark, and so you lot tin can effort sleep training. If your newborn is experiencing nap trouble, we offer newborn-friendly sleep coaching strategies, including sample sleep-inducing routines, in our due east-book, Essential Keys To Your Newborn's Sleep. Nosotros tin as well help guide your newborn to meliorate naps in a gentle, safety approach with our special newborn-focused Personalized Sleep Plans™.

For even more nap and schedule assist, check out these members-but resources, found in our VIP Members Area:

  • Mastering Naps and Schedules e-Book (unlimited VIP fellow member access at no actress price!)
  • Custom Schedule-Maker (unlimited access – make as many schedules as you'd like! Includes meal times)
  • Nap Transitions tele-seminar with Nicole Johnson
  • Short Naps tele-seminar with Nicole Johnson
  • How To Put Your Kid on a Schedule tele-seminar with Nicole Johnson
  • 5 Tips To Manage Nap Transitions [EXPANDED VIP MEMBER-Merely VERSION]
  • five Tips For Handling Tough Daycare Nap Schedules [EXPANDED VIP Fellow member-ONLY VERSION]
  • Twenty-four hours-past-Day Nap Training Programme
  • Downloadable Sleep/Nap Coaching Program Workbook (learn how to create your own nap coaching plan!)
  • Printable Sample Schedule Shifts Forward (bang-up for daylight saving time alter)

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Personalized Baby Nap Help That Works – Guaranteed!

Don't feel up to working on your baby or toddler'southward nap challenges on your own? While our VIP Members Area is smashing for DIY parents who prefer to tackle slumber challenges on their own, nosotros know that other parents much prefer to go straight to i-on-ane aid. Well, adept news – we offer that, and you can start getting the personal help you lot need TODAY!

Browse our listing of consultation package options here.

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Is your baby a "swing-napper"? How have y'all worked to build salubrious napping habits with your little one? Share your story below!

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