When to Take Your Baby to the Hospital

Whatever time your child becomes sick or injured, it tin be scary. Y'all may not know what to do. Should you take him or her to the doctor? Exercise they need to get to the emergency room? Sometimes the respond is clear. For case, if your child is unconscious or is choking, you should telephone call 911 right away. But what if he or she has a high fever or a rash all over their trunk? That's when it can be harder to know the best matter to do.

If you lot have any question at all nearly your child'southward health, telephone call his or her doctor. The doctor or a nurse will be able to tell yous what level of care your child needs. This could be an appointment in the doctor's office. It could as well be a trip to an urgent care clinic or to the emergency room.

Go on in listen that a trip to the emergency room tin exist expensive. Information technology tin toll iii times equally much to get to the emergency room as it does for a regular function visit. In addition, the wait times are longer, and information technology is more than stressful. At the aforementioned fourth dimension, you want to make sure your child gets the medical attention he or she needs when they need it. That's why it's important to know the best place to seek care.

Path to improved health

In that location are common illnesses that many children volition face at 1 fourth dimension or some other. Some of these tin can be cared for at home. Others may demand to be seen past a physician. Still others warrant a trip to the emergency room. But how are you supposed to know how serious the symptoms are? Hither are some common illnesses that may cause y'all business concern, and how you should handle them.

Loftier fever

Fever is one of the most common reasons parents telephone call the dr.. By definition, a fever is a temperature of 100.four° F, taken rectally. If you take your child's temperature nether their arm, add ane degree to get a more accurate number. Many doctors recommend not treating a fever unless it is above 101° F. This is considering a fever is one of the ways the torso fights infection. If your child has a fever, that means his or her immune system is doing its chore.

About doctors agree that what'south most important about a fever is not the number on the thermometer, simply how your child is acting. If your kid has a fever of 103° F but is interim ordinarily and taking in fluids, it'south probably not much to worry nearly. But if your child has a 103° F fever, is lethargic and isn't eating or drinking, and so he or she probably needs to exist seen by the doctor. Also call your child'south doctor if your child has a fever of 104° F or higher or if he or she has had a fever for 4 or more days in a row.

Widespread rash

A localized rash that merely occurs in one or two places is probably non a cause for business organization. Merely if your child has a rash that covers his or her whole torso, they may demand to see a physician. Expect for a rash that covers the trunk with small red or imperial spots. If you press on them and they don't turn white temporarily, it could be a sign of something serious, such as meningitis. This is especially true if your child as well has a fever. Take your child to the emergency room right away if he or she has this rash.

Another rash y'all should scout out for is hives on the face up. Hives form every bit office of an allergic reaction. If they form on the face, they could likewise course inside the mouth or in the throat, which could block your child's airway. If your kid has hives on his or her face, you lot should go to the emergency room. If your child has hives on his or her confront and is having trouble animate, call 911.

Bad headache

If your child complains of a headache, rest or over-the-counter pain relievers should take care of information technology. If the pain lasts for several hours or is so bad that your child tin't do regular activities like eating, playing, or watching TV, he or she may need to encounter a doctor. Call your child'due south doctor and come across what they say you lot should do.

Most headaches happen because of tight muscles in the head, not because of a trouble with the brain. But they tin be a sign of a serious neurological problem. If your child has a bad headache along with defoliation, blurred vision, or trouble walking, go to the emergency room. Also, if your child has a headache combined with a stiff neck, fever, vomiting, or a rash, they should be seen in the emergency room. These could be signs of a serious infection such as meningitis.

Stomach issues

Stomach bugs themselves are not often something to worry well-nigh. Although they can cause distressing airsickness and diarrhea, they are normally non dangerous. But as well much vomiting and diarrhea can cause your child to get dehydrated. This tin can be dangerous. Sometimes children can go so dehydrated that they demand intravenous (Four) fluids. Signs of dehydration include:

  • Decreased urination (less than two wet diapers in a day).
  • Glutinous rima oris.
  • Crying without tears.
  • Sunken eyes with dark circles underneath.
  • Listlessness.
  • Pale or clammy skin.
  • Sunken soft spot on the head in infants.

Call your md correct abroad or go to the emergency room if your kid is showing these signs of severe dehydration, not taking fluids, and is becoming more than lethargic.


Injuries tin can be frightening for parents, but they don't e'er hateful you have to become to the emergency room. If your child tin move the body part, if the bleeding has stopped, and if the pain can be controlled with over-the-counter medicine, he or she is probably okay. Withal, if your child shows any of the post-obit symptoms, he or she should see a doctor right abroad:

  • There is numbness (for example, they hurt their wrist and at present they can't experience their fingers).
  • At that place is a lot of swelling.
  • He or she is in severe pain and tin't motility the trunk part.
  • The torso part looks plain-featured.

Should I accept my newborn to the emergency room?

In many cases, young babies are different when it comes to affliction or injury. For babies ages two to 3 months and younger, almost annihilation out of the ordinary needs to be checked out right away. This could include a fever of 100.5° F or higher, bug feeding, or a bump on the caput. Be sure to call your dr. if you have any questions about the health of your newborn.

Things to consider

If you aren't certain if your child needs emergency services, follow this guide. Information technology can assist yous know what to do.

Call 911 if your child:

  • Is unconscious or unresponsive.
  • Is choking.
  • Has severe difficulty animate.
  • Has an injury to the neck or spine.
  • Is not breathing or is turning blue.
  • Has bleeding that tin't be stopped.
  • Has a astringent burn.
  • Has a caput injury and has passed out, thrown up, or is not behaving normally.
  • Has possible poisoning (call your nearest poison control center beginning).

Get to the emergency room if your child:

  • Is having problem breathing.
  • Is passing out or fainting.
  • Has a seizure that lasts 3-5 minutes or more.
  • Has a severe allergic reaction with swelling and trouble animate.
  • Has a high fever with a headache and a stiff neck.
  • Is a newborn and has a fever of 100.5° F or higher.
  • Is all of a sudden hard to wake up or is confused when y'all wake them up.
  • Is suddenly not able to speak, see, walk, or move.
  • Has a deep wound or heavy haemorrhage.
  • Has a serious burn.
  • Is cough or throwing upwards blood.
  • Has a broken bone, especially if the os is pushing through the skin.
  • Has numbness, tingling or weakness in a body part near an injured bone.
  • Has an unusual or bad headache or chest pain.
  • Has had vomiting or diarrhea followed past signs of severe dehydration.
  • Has fallen from a significant top and is injured.
  • Is experiencing mental health concerns, such as a want to damage themselves or others.

Go to urgent care or call your child's doctor for:

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea that you're concerned most.
  • Coughs, colds, and sore throats.
  • Bladder or urinary tract infections.
  • Minor cuts, bumps, scrapes, or burns.
  • Earaches or ear infections.
  • Sinus pain.
  • Pare issues.
  • Joint sprains or muscle strains.

Any time you're not sure what to practice, call your child's doctor. They will help guide y'all to the best level of intendance for your child.

Go with your gut

Doctors encourage parents to trust their instincts when it comes to their kid. You know your kid amend than anyone. If your child just isn't acting right or is sicker than you've seen them before, they should be checked out. You don't want to have them to the emergency room for minor illnesses. Only sometimes y'all may think something is seriously incorrect. If you do, information technology'south amend to get them seen by a doctor correct away and notice out that they are not seriously sick.

Questions to ask your medico

  • What should I practice if I don't know how serious my child's affliction is?
  • How long should I look to hear back from a doctor on phone call?
  • Should I take my child to an urgent care dispensary or to the emergency room?
  • Which emergency room is best to take my kid to?
  • When is a state of affairs and so serious that I should call 911?


Source: https://familydoctor.org/child-need-emergency-services/

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